I realize this is an extremely late entry, but you know the saying, better late then never! The truth is I had actually posted a summary upon my return but did not realize it had not posted properly. So here is my summary for those who are still checking this blog.
Its funny but now that I have been home for over a month my appreciation for this Indonesian experience is seeming to grow. It is hard to believe that I even went on this trip at times but when looking back at pictures and remembering stories reminds me that yes I have.
Some of the memorable moments for my self was stepping out of the Surabaya air port. The hot humid air was very thick and I thought to myself "What have I got myself in to!". The arrival at the
Kassanda guest house was significant to me because my first glance at the guest house lay out and garden made me feel like I was in a movie. The beautiful tropical garden, open floor plan of the guest house and the odd gecko on the wall was
definitely a different atmosphere than home and one that I now miss very much!
The Indonesian people I found to be a very kind and generous people; they also had a good sense of humor. I had a chance to get to know a few fellow Indonesian students from the University and shared
a lot of laughs and memories. Closer to the end of our stay in Indonesia we started to hang out with the Indonesia student translators doing activities such as going to the movies, shopping, a day at the water park, hanging out at
Kassanda and going out for dinner. It was really neat to see and hear how students our age lived and managed
their studies as well as make new friends!
One quirky aspect of Indonesia that I don't
necessarily miss is the toilets (which were in the ground and you had to squat over) and the lack of toilet paper. Lets just say that the left hand was designated for certain things and therefore in the Indonesian culture you don't eat with that hand or shake hands with that hand. We were able to buy toilet paper there but I never thought I would be so thankful for toilet paper in my life!
Random Memories
Crossing the roads was something I dreaded in Indonesia because it seemed to be a life threatening ordeal
every time it was attempted. I soon got use to it but it still scared me
every time. The protocol for crossing the roads in Indonesia is hold up one hand towards the oncoming traffic and run across the road...fast! The was a very effective technique but sure didn't allow for any hesitation.
Muslim call to prayer took place around every four hours. This call to prayer could be heard all over Surabaya as the mosques had loud speakers on top of the roofs. This call to prayer also served as my own personal alarm clock every morning at around 4:00am!
The food is something I miss very much actually. My favourite meal being
Nasi Gorenge Aym which I ate every day sometimes twice a day! Previously before this trip I did not enjoy spicy food in the least, especially spicy peanut sauce! After this experience in Indonesia I not only enjoy the odd spicy dish but I love spicy peanut sauce!
The overall highlight for me on this trip was the
orphanage. It was an experience that I hope to have again but I realize is very rare. The sisters and care givers were so warm and inviting and even though we struggled to understand each other the non verbal communication, use of drawings and Indonesian translation book seemed to be adequate. The challenge of communication between the staff did not seem that much of a challenge because we had so much fun trying to figure out what each of use was saying.
The children were so precious! full of energy, healthy and well cared for. Being that I am a Nursing student I learnt a lot from my fellow Early Childhood Edcucation and Child and Youth Care Students and collaborated with them on a daily basis. I entered this placement with what I thought to be an open mind but learnt soon after that I did have some previous assumptions of what I would possibly find, for example, lack of
adequate nutrition,
activities, and hygiene. In contrast to my assumptions I found that they were infact doing a wonderful job, with what resources they had, in all of these areas. This placement was very open to learning new ideas and ways of doing things and we worked together to create new ideas in terms of
discipline and activities. This was an eye opening experience for myself as I realize even more so now how much different cultures can learn from each other.
It is sad to be back in a way because, like I said before, it feels at times like I never even went. But I will never forget the wonderful memories and different cultural experiences which I was so fortunate to have!
Thank you to all of you for taking the time to read this blog!